Nigel Tao

Inverting a 3x2 Affine Transformation Matrix

In 2-D geometry, a coordinate pair (x, y) can be thought of as a 2x1 matrix (a vector). Affine transformations (including rotations, scales, translations and combinations of those) can be represented by a 3x2 matrix F:

[ Fa   Fb   Fc ]
[ Fd   Fe   Ff ]

Given a starting point S = (Sx, Sy), the transformed point T = (Tx, Ty) is given by two scalar equations:

Tx = (Fa * Sx) + (Fb * Sy) + Fc
Ty = (Fd * Sx) + (Fe * Sy) + Ff

There is an equivalent homogenous form, where the 3x2 matrix F is augmented with a [0 0 1] bottom row and the 2x1 vectors S and T are augmented with a [1] bottom element. Transformation becomes equivalent to matrix multiplication, as these three scalar equations:

Tx = (Fa * Sx) + (Fb * Sy) + (Fc * 1)
Ty = (Fd * Sx) + (Fe * Sy) + (Ff * 1)
1  = ( 0 * Sx) + ( 0 * Sy) + ( 1 * 1)

Are equivalent to the one matrix equation T = F * S:

[ Tx ]     [ Fa   Fb   Fc ]     [ Sx ]
[ Ty ]  =  [ Fd   Fe   Ff ]  *  [ Sy ]
[  1 ]     [  0    0    1 ]     [  1 ]

That (augmented) forward matrix F maps from S to T. As long as the determinant (see below) is non-zero, the inverse transformation, mapping from T to S, exists. If so, it is also an affine transformation and representable by a 3x2 (or augmented 3x3) backward matrix B such that S = B * T:

[ Sx ]     [ Ba   Bb   Bc ]     [ Tx ]
[ Sy ]  =  [ Bd   Be   Bf ]  *  [ Ty ]
[  1 ]     [  0    0    1 ]     [  1 ]

B is the inverse of F, and there is a formula for the inverse of a 3x3 matrix, but it’s somewhat messy in general. The formula can be simplified when the bottom row is [0 0 1]. I tried for a few minutes to find this simplified formula online, but I failed. It was easy to simplify the general formula myself, and since I did the algebra, I thought I might as well write it out as this very blog post.

Specifically, the inverse B of the 3x2 matrix F (given at the top) is:

[ Ba   Bb   Bc ]
[ Bd   Be   Bf ]


FΔ = (Fa * Fe) - (Fb * Fd)
Ba = +Fe / FΔ
Bb = -Fb / FΔ
Bc = ((Fb * Ff) - (Fe * Fc)) / FΔ
Bd = -Fd / FΔ
Be = +Fa / FΔ
Bf = ((Fd * Fc) - (Fa * Ff)) / FΔ

As long as the determinant is non-zero (so that the F matrix is invertible), it’s straightforward to confirm that F * B = I, the identity matrix (and likewise B * F = I). For example:

[ Fa   Fb   Fc ]     [ +Fe/FΔ   -Fb/FΔ   ((Fb*Ff)-(Fe*Fc))/FΔ ]     [ 1 0 0 ]
[ Fd   Fe   Ff ]  *  [ -Fd/FΔ   +Fa/FΔ   ((Fd*Fc)-(Fa*Ff))/FΔ ]  =  [ 0 1 0 ]
[  0    0    1 ]     [      0        0                      1 ]     [ 0 0 1 ]

Published: 2021-12-30