Nigel Tao

Go Embedding and Backwards Compatibility

The Go programming language’s core development team take backwards compatibility very seriously. There’s the official “Go 1 and the Future of Go Programs” promise, originally announced in 2012 and still current policy:

It is intended that programs written to the Go 1 specification will continue to compile and run correctly, unchanged, over the lifetime of that specification… Go programs that work today should continue to work even as future releases of Go 1 arise.

We also never tire of hearing stories like “I hadn’t touched my old Go codebase in 5 years. I brushed it off the other day, this time running with the latest Go 1.x release, and it still just works!”

I was therefore surprised to see issue 69721: image/draw: blank images after go1.18 filed. Here was an old Go codebase. It hadn’t been touched in 5 years. But it didn’t still just work.

The problem turned out to involve Go’s embedded fields language feature.

Embedded Fields

If you’re not familiar with Go (but are familiar with C++, Java or similar), here’s a quick overview.

Struct types have fields and, almost always, they’re declared with fieldName fieldType syntax. But you can omit the field name, in which case the field is embedded. Here’s an example struct with four fields:

type Example struct {
    n int
    f Foo
    q Qux

For the third one, the implicit field name is the same as the type name: Bar. But that lone Bar isn’t just equivalent to a fieldName fieldType line that’s Bar Bar. Embedding means that Example’s method set implicitly includes Bar’s entire method set.

If Bar defines a Bar.Meth method then Example also has an Example.Meth method. Eliding the arguments and return type for now, it was as if there was this implicit definition for every Bar method Meth:

func (e *Example) Meth() { e.Bar.Meth() }

Embedding is, very roughly, sort of like inheritance in C++ or Java, but isn’t exactly like inheritance. If you’re porting a 1990s-style, inheritance-rich, object-oriented design to Go and lean heavily on embedding, you’re probably going to have a bad time.

One major difference is that the receiver for the Meth implementation - what other languages call this - has type *Bar, not *Example. Another difference is that methods aren’t ‘virtual’. If all you have is a variable b of type *Bar then calling b.Meth() will always use the ‘base class’ implementation even if, conceptually, a C++ or Java programmer could think of b as an *Example - an instance of the ‘derived class’.

Anyway, for issue 69721, the problem is that, if the Bar type is defined in another package (in this case, the standard library) then upgrading that package (as a side effect of using the latest Go 1.x version) can change what methods Example has, even if Example’s source code itself does not change.

The Bug in Bug

Issue 69721 starts delightfully, in a package literally called bug, an abbreviation of Braille Unicode Graphics. It defines a bug.Gray struct type that embeds the standard library’s image.Gray type - an all-in-memory 2-dimensional array of gray (not full-color RGBA) pixels.

package bug

type Gray struct {
    // real [sic] holds the real pixel version of the image.

    // content holds the braille representation of the image.
    // Not using stdlib's single dim slice as benchmark shows
    // it is faster with 2 dim (i.e. without the mmath to map 1d to 2d).
    content [][]uint8

    // Other fields, not shown here...

It also ‘overrides’ the Set method:

package bug

func (p *Gray) Set(x, y int, c color.Color) {
    // Discard pixels outside the image.
    if !(image.Point{x, y}.In(p.Gray.Rect)) {
    p.Gray.Set(x, y, c)
    p.SetBraille(x, y, p.ColorModel().Convert(c))

Overrides is in ‘quotes’ because, as I said earlier, Go isn’t really object-oriented the way C++ or Java is.

Note that bug.Gray’s Set method calls the embedded image.Gray’s Set method and does other things - it calls SetBraille.

Go 1.18 Adds a New Method

Ever since Go 1.0 or even earlier, the standard library’s image/draw package let you draw a source image onto a destination image. Set(x, y, color) is the crucial method, letting you draw one image onto another, pixel by pixel, even if they have different color models (e.g. drawing an RGBA source onto a gray destination).

What happened in Go 1.18 is that there’s a new, optional SetRGBA64 method. If the draw destination image implements SetRGBA64 then image/draw will call it instead of calling Set. Doing so can have substantial performance benefits, passing a concrete color type (a million times, for a 1000×1000 pixel image) instead of an interface color type.

With Go 1.18 (and later), a bug.Gray automatically implements the SetRGBA64 method (even though the package bug source code hasn’t changed) because the embedded image.Gray now implements this method. But bug.Gray doesn’t ‘override’ SetRGBA64, so when image/draw calls SetRGBA64, it doesn’t do the other things - it doesn’t call SetBraille and package bug no longer works as expected.

The Fix

The fix is simple. When forwarding methods, explicit is better than implicit here, even though it’s a few extra lines of trivial ‘boilerplate’ code:

@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ func (cm Threshold) Inverse() Threshold {
 // Each braille character represents 2x4 actual pixels.
 type Gray struct {
     // real [sic] holds the real pixel version of the image.
-    *image.Gray
+    Gray *image.Gray

     // content holds the braille representation of the image.
     // Not using stdlib's single dim slice as benchmark shows
@@ -108,6 +108,9 @@ func NewGray(r image.Rectangle) *Gray {
     return img

+func (p *Gray) At(x, y int) color.Color { return p.Gray.At(x, y) }
+func (p *Gray) Bounds() image.Rectangle { return p.Gray.Bounds() }
 // Clear all pixels.
 func (p *Gray) Clear() {
     // Etc.

With this patch, a bug.Gray still implements the draw.Image interface and still ‘overrides’ Set(x, y, color). But whether or not it also implements the draw.RGBA64Image interface no longer depends on whether you’re on Go 1.17 or Go 1.18.


I think that the lesson to take away from this is to use Go embedding sparingly, or not at all, to avoid surprises like this (or this or this). At least, avoid embedding types you don’t fully control - the ones that aren’t part of your own Go module. As Go core developer Ian Lance Taylor said:

The Go compatibility guarantee permits us to add methods to existing types. Any embedding of a type in the standard library must consider this possibility.

Published: 2024-10-06